
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Custom test bench - part 8: DCC-EX + WIFI + OLED Display


Now that everything works, I want to improve the display. I need more than 2 lines, and the 4-line LED actually takes up too much room. I therefore went to Micro Center and got a Adafruit OLED:

  • Adafruit Industries Monochrome 0.96" 128x64 OLED Graphic Display

The wiring was almost straight forward:
  • Pin 5V (Vcc) to Vin
  • Pin GND (ground) to Gnd
  • Pin 20 SDA (data) to Data
  • Pin 21 SCL (clock) to Clk

I reconfigured the DCC-EX with its installer and it worked immediately:

Next, I want to customize what is displayed:
  • Line 1: DCC-EX version
  • Line 2: blank
  • Line 3: status on Main
  • Line 4: status on Prog
  • Line 5: blank
  • Line 6: IP:port