
Friday, November 29, 2019

ECoS Command Station

I bought the ESU ECoS Command Station a while back, but I never posted here my first steps with it.

Connection to Wifi

The first thing is to connect the ECoS Command Station to the wifi for two main purposes:

  1. Update firmware
  2. Upload custom images for locomotives
The ECoS Command Station has an ethernet port, so I bought a Wifi bridge here

I don't remember how to configure it, but it was very easy; I probably had to connect it directly to a laptop for the first setup.

You can then check the IP address of the ECoS Command Station on the network:

ECoS Command Station portal

I can now access the portal of the ECoS Command Station from a web browser on the network. This is the URL:

Custom images for locomotives

There are plenty of user-generated images for locomotives beyond those provided by default by ESU. They can be found and downloaded here: http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/loco-pictures/

Once you save the image on your computer, you can upload it to the ECoS Command Station from its portal.

You will need to restart the ECoS Command Station before you can see it on the station itself.

Wiring ... completed

All tracks are finally soldered and positioned!

The next step is ... more wiring ... All the "little" wires are underneath the plywood and need to be connected to the main bus feeder:

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Wiring ... continued

All tracks and switches have been soldered!

I've tried a slightly different approach to soldering switch, especially for the frog - green wire. I actually broke a frog wire of a double slip and it is a very expensive mistake. For now on, instead of having to drill right underneath the frog, I leave more of the bare wire from Peco that runs under the sleeper and I drill right next to the sleeper: