
Monday, January 18, 2021

ESU ECoS - Engine image - part 2

I wrote one post in the past about how to upload a loco image on the ECoS, but we assume that the image is available from the ESU website; in other words, we assume that someone else has done the work already.

This post is about creating those images for the ECoS. First off, here are the specifications:

  • Size must be 190 x 40 pixels
  • Format must be BMP
  • Background color can be B6B6B6

I found two videos that were most helpful:

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Programming ESU decoders with the ESU LokProgrammer

Following up on the previous post, today we are looking at the configuration of ESU decoders with the ESU LokProgrammer device and program.

Hardware and software

This is reference 53451 that is already mounted on my test bench:

The documentation is available here and the software to install from here.


1- The first step is to download the original setup and store it as a reference point: click on "Read decoder data"

All the factory settings are displayed.

This version is immediately saved as the reference point:

2- As mentioned in the previous post, I'm not going into all the parameters of the decoder, but rather focus on the address of the machine as well as the description.

For address above 128, it is considered a long address and the related checkbox must be selected:

The name provided below will be used as the engine name through RailCom:

Once the address and description are set, I save the project and write the data onto the machine:

3- It's easy to test everything directly from the LokProgrammer:

And it works!

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Programming Zimo and M4 decoders with the ECoS

Since the workshop is too cold now, I'm putting the test bench to good use. I'm setting my DCC engines' addresses and reviewing the overall decoder configuration. I'm not going too deep into all the CVs for now.

So far, I've encountered three types of decoders: ESU, Zimo, and M4. I can program ESU decoders with the ESU LokProgrammer mounted on my test bench. Since the LokProgrammer supports almost only ESU decoders, I then have to use the ECoS to configure Zimo and M4 decoders.

  • ESU decoders for ESU and LS Models engines, as well as decoders from Train-modelisme.com
  • Zimo decoders for Roco engines
  • M4 decoders for Trix engines

Programming Zimo and M4 decoders with the ECoS

Here are the steps to program a Zimo decoder that seats inside the Roco 73215 Traxx Lineas:

1. Make sure the track is plugged into the Prog connector of the ECoS

2. Add a new loco, go to the Advanced tab, and click on Start:

3. After a minute or so, information about the decoder inside the model will be displayed:

4. On the next side tab, I can set the address of this engine:

When choosing a long DCC address (>127), it is very important to check the last checkbox! There is more to explore in the next few side tabs, but I've not looked into those yet.

5. On the Properties tab, I can set the various functions. Either I have the documentation or I can test each function, either way, it's pretty easy to set the icon and type of each function:

6. On the first tab, I can set the name and the image:

And voilĂ :

The next article will be about ESU LokProgrammer.