
Thursday, May 30, 2024

New engine: G 1000 BB ECR - FB 1487


Prototypical engine

Just a quick picture:


Scale model 

This has been reran recently as ESU ref 31304:

I only adjusted the DCC address:

And lastly, the manual in the box is actually in German. The English version is available on the ESU website and here.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Passenger car classification


As I received my new Roco Corail passenger cars, I wondered what was the difference between a B11rtu and a B11tu. 



Here's what I found on Wikipedia:

Lettres principales

  • A Voiture voyageurs de première classe
  • B Voiture voyageurs de deuxième classe
  • AB Voiture mixte offrant des places de première et de deuxième classe
  • AR, BR Voiture de première (resp. deuxième) classe avec coin restaurant
  • AD, BD Voiture mixte de première (resp. deuxième) classe avec fourgon à bagages
  • D Fourgon ferroviaire
  • DA, DB Voiture à deux niveaux de première (resp. deuxième) classe (Allemagne seulement)
  • DD Fourgon à deux niveaux (DR) ou wagon porte-automobiles.
  • S Voiture-salon, spéciale ou de service
  • WG, WGS Voiture Club, Voiture-salon (Allemagne seulement)
  • WR Voiture-restaurant Vr à la SNCF
  • WLA, WLAB, etc. Voiture-lits
  • KA, KB, KD... Voiture à voie étroite
  • Z Fourgon postal (CFF), Transport de prisonniers (DR)

Lettres secondaires - SNCF

  • c Compartiments transformables en couchettes
  • d Compartiment à bagages douanable
  • e Voiture à 2 niveaux
  • f Voiture au gabarit britannique
  • h Voiture accueillant les personnes en fauteuil roulant
  • i Voiture sans intercirculation
  • j Voiture à caisse en acier inoxydable
  • k Voiture sans sanitaires
  • l Voiture avec sonorisation type UIC
  • o Aménagement pour le transport de malades
  • p Voiture à intercirculation par passerelles (sans soufflets)
  • q Voiture ni métallique ni métallisée
  • r Voiture avec restauration
  • s Couloir latéral (pour les fourgons)
  • t Voiture voyageurs à allée centrale
  • u Voiture climatisée
  • w Avec frein d'immobilisation
  • x Cabine de conduite ou aménagements spéciaux
  • z Voiture sans frein à vis
There's more to read on that Wiki page. I also found this page with a lot of details about the Corail cars in particular. Here's the summary:

Tranche Total Types Nombre
VU 72 3 A9u 1
B11u 2
VTU 72 1 B10 1/2 tu 1
VSE 72 2 A4B6u 2
VSE 75 100 A9u 100
VTU 75 1300 A10tu 190
A10rtu 205
B5rtux 30
B10tu 190
B11tu 518
B11rtu 167
VU 75 767 A9u 105
A4B6u 75
B11u66 70
B6Dd2 100
A9c9ux 60
B10c10ux 290
B11u 15
B6Du 25
So 17
B6Dux 10
MC 76 240 Dd2 160
Dd2s 80
VTU 78 675 A10rtu 55
B5rtux 90
B11tu 357
B11rtu 173
VU 78 255 B6Du 85
B11u 75
A10u 50
A9c9ux 45
VTU 80 150 A10tu 50
B11tu 100
VU 80 210 B11u 200
So 10
VTU 82 110 A10tu 31
B10tu 30
B11tu 40
Fédora 9
VU 83 96 B11u 66
B10c10ux 30
VTU 84 100 A5B5tu 100
VU 85 70 AcBcux 50
B12u 20
VU 86 80 B6Du 42
B6Dd2u 20
B6Dux 18
TOTAL 4159 4159

Monday, May 27, 2024

Custom test bench - part 9: DCC-EX + WIFI + OLED Display


It was pretty easy to adjust the Arduino code to display what I wanted - except for the blank line that became a line of "-".

As mentioned in the DCC-EX documentation - here - I had to change the source code for that release. It is not in a config file, so at the next release, I will lose those changes and will have to do them again:




Next step is to thing about how to fix the OLED display on the fascia of the test bench.

Paris - Berlin going though Ascq in 2008


It all started with this picture of the HLE 1208 pulling the Berlin - Paris rerouted via Ascq on March 3, 2008.


That Paris - Berlin is the train referenced as CNL 450 / 451 Perseus. This train no longer exists and here's a video on the last Paris - Berlin:

Looking at the various compositions, it seems that it can be various train numbers - link 1 and link 2:

  • CNL 450/470 Perseus: Berlin - Paris-Est 
  • CNL 451/471 Perseus: Paris-Est - Berlin 

But, it seems that in 2008, it was actually going through Bruxelles - link - which would explain why it was rerouted through Ascq. So, we will investigate this formation specifically.

  • CNL 242 Perseus: Berlin - Paris-Nord 
  • CNL 243 Perseus: Paris-Nord - Berlin 

CNL 243 Perseus from 9.12.2007 - 13.12.2008

The route is as follows:

  1. Paris Nord 20.46
  2. Bruxelles-Midi 23.38-23.41, (Aachen Hbf 1.39-1.51, Dortmund Hbf 3.31-3.42,) 
  3. Hannover Hbf 5.57-6.09
  4. Berlin Hbf 8.10-8.13
  5. Berlin Ostbf 8.20

Icon Description Image Reference In Stock

HLE 27

LS Models




LS Models
and more


LS Models
and more


LS Models
46024 to
49025 to


LS Models
46024 to
49025 to





LS Models
and more


LS Models
and more


LS Models
46024 to
49025 to


LS Models

Two other links for this formation:
So, we need:
  • 2x Bomdz 236.9
  • 2x Bvcmz 248.5
  • 2x Bvcmbz 249.1
  • 3x WLABmz 173.1
  • 1x WRmbz 138.1
  • 1x WLABmee
As of now, I have:
  • 6x WLABmz 173.1
  • 1x Bvcmz 248.5 - LS Models 49054
  • 1x Bvcmbz 249.1 - LS Models 49054
  • 1x Bomdz 236.9 - ACME 52689
  • some WLABmee
So, what I have left is:
  • 1x Bvcmz 248.5 + 1x Bvcmbz 249.1 - LS Models 49054 / 49044 / 49045
  • 1x Bomdz 236.9 - ACME 52689
  • 1x WRmbz 138.1 - ????, maybe RailTop 33601 or 33602, but not sure they were released

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Custom test bench - part 8: DCC-EX + WIFI + OLED Display


Now that everything works, I want to improve the display. I need more than 2 lines, and the 4-line LED actually takes up too much room. I therefore went to Micro Center and got a Adafruit OLED:

  • Adafruit Industries Monochrome 0.96" 128x64 OLED Graphic Display

The wiring was almost straight forward:
  • Pin 5V (Vcc) to Vin
  • Pin GND (ground) to Gnd
  • Pin 20 SDA (data) to Data
  • Pin 21 SCL (clock) to Clk

I reconfigured the DCC-EX with its installer and it worked immediately:

Next, I want to customize what is displayed:
  • Line 1: DCC-EX version
  • Line 2: blank
  • Line 3: status on Main
  • Line 4: status on Prog
  • Line 5: blank
  • Line 6: IP:port

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Spring cleaning


Following the several ballasting and weathering sessions, the tracks were in need for some cleaning. I used the Mabar cleaning wagon with the vacuum, the pad and the Mabar cleaning liquid for the pad. I only did the 2 main tracks for now. 

It's the first time I used the pad and the liquid. It seems to work somewhat well. And here's what the vacuum collected:

Switch, Rail joiners, Ballast, Weathering ... part 8


Today, I continued on the ballast, just a small section:

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Custom test bench - part 7: DCC-EX + WIFI


Following my previous post, I ordered a couple of display with the goal to show the EX‑CommandStation IP address and port. Connecting the display was very easy and by default the IP and port are shown on one of the pages.

I tried to connect to different Wifi: EXT-5G and 5G, but it failed and showed an IP of, that is the default one for the Point Access mode, whereas I want the Station Mode that connects to my home wifi.

After discussing on Discord, the Wifi shield only works with 2.4Ghz wifi and it seems that my default Fios was too far for the shield to connect. But, I managed to make it with on the Wifi extender.

On JMRI, the connection is DCC++ Ethernet and I just needed to input the IP adress.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Traxx 186 349-7 LINEAS with "P&O Ferrymasters" containers

Prototypical engine

A couple of pictures of the real thing: 



Scale model

It is a custom creatio based on a Roco model:

With my new DCC-EX / JMRI setup, I was able to configure the Zimo decoder and I gave it the address 8649: 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Custom test bench - part 6: DCC-EX + WIFI

I received the WIFI shield from Makerfabs:

I went through the software installation again by running C:\Olivier\Tools\CommandStation-EX-5.0.7-Prod\CommandStation-EX\EX-CommandStation-installer.exe. I tried both with connecting the shield to my home WIFI and configuring the shield as an access point.

In both cases, I was able to connect to it with two Apps on my phone:

On the App, I was able to auto detect the engine and run a few functions. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to connect wirelessly from JMRI. It seemed that the IP address might have changed or something, but the connection was not successful. 

I therefore ordered a display to add to the Arduino to display its IP address...

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Custom test bench - part 5: DCC-EX


In my recent new engines, there were some M4 and Zimo decoders. In my test bench, I have an ESU decoder programmer, but as expected it only works with ESU decoders. When I have my ESU ECoS on my desk, I can use it with JMRI, but lately the ECoS stays connected to the layout.

I looked at the Zimo website to potentially purchase something similar to my ESU LokProgrammer, but somehow it is not clear if they have something similar. In addition, the software seems to be developed and maintained by a third-party. So, I thought I'll focus on JMRI.

I looked at the JMRI documentation and if my old Roco Multimaus could be used at the command station. There are articles that explain that with an addition Lenz device it could be supported, but all seemed not very reliable.

Somehow, Youtube managed to push a video to me about DCC++ and DCC-EX in particular. I forgot which video it was, but basically it seems very easy and cheap to have a full fledged DCC command station based on an Arduino. And JMRI does support DCC++.

DCC-EX website is very well done: https://dcc-ex.com. I purchased the parts as specified: 

  • Elegoo Mega R3 2560 
  • Arduino Motor Shield Rev3
  • EX-WiFi Shield 8266 (aka Makerfabs WiFi Shield) - which has not arrived yet
I followed the instructions and it was all very straight forward. It worked on the first try!

The main thing to remember with JMRI is that Decoder Pro functionality of "Read from decoder" works only on the programming track. It took me a bit of research to understand my issue here. And I will have to pay attention to that detail when re-wiring my test bench.

Anyway, it worked quite easily!
