A while back I bought two ACME sets dedicated to the Ost-West Express train:
It got me interested in this colorful formation and over several posts, I will capture what I can find about it and how to represent them in HO scale.
Here are links I found about the Ost-West Express:
General Information
- https://www.trains-worldexpresses.com/500/511.htm - this is more about the "Moskva-Express", but there are pictures and some text about the Ost-West
- https://www.railpassion.fr/reseaux-etrangers/a-bord-de-lowe-au-temps-de-la-guerre-froide/
- http://www.streamlinerschedules.com/concourse/track11/ostwest197105.html - the time tables for the Ost-West in 1971. This is not exactly the era I'm interested in.
- http://www.welt-der-modelleisenbahn.com/d-zug-ost-west-express.html
- https://www.fernbahn.de/datenbank/suche/?zug_id=19880200240
- https://www.vagonweb.cz/razeni/vlak.php?zeme=DB&cislo=240&nazev=Ost-West-Express&rok=1996&lang=en&styl=t - this is the formation of the Ost-West in 1995 and 1996: D DB / INT SNCB 240 Ost-West-Express
- http://www.welt-der-modelleisenbahn.com/uploads/1/4/2/6/14265436/ost-west-express_iv.pdf
- https://www.vonderruhren.de/aachenbahn/seiten/ostwest.php - this is the absolute source!!
Next, we will look into pictures and videos.