
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Digitization of BB 36001 from Jouef - part 3


I left off where the two micro LEDs for the cabin lighting were not working.

Cabin Lighting

As it turns out, I had two issues:

  • One of the micro LED was dead
  • The other was not connected correctly - the longer wire is the anode or + or red cable, whereas the shorter wire is the cathode or - or black wire

Once I figured that out, it worked very nicely on each side:

I had to tweak the decoder CVs a lit bit:

  • Cabin light is now only controlled by F21 and the driving direction
  • For each of AUX3 and AUX4, I changed on delay, off delay, fade in/out, and timeout

I then glued the micro LEDs in the cabins - I used Zap-A-Gap CA glue:

Cabin Painting

Since there's cabin light, we need to make the inside look more realistic. First, some pictures of the real cabin:







Let's see what we can do ...