
Monday, October 2, 2023

X 73500 Nord Pas-de-Calais

Miniature Model

I found a somewhat cheap X 73500 from Jouef:

X 73505 - Jouef HJ2390S

I know that those engines ran in Nord Pas-de-Calais for a short time. While looking online, I found that CJ Models provides decals to make exactly those:

On the page for this item, it says that details are provided in the following magazine: RAIL MINIATURE FLASH RMF N°595 FEVRIER 2015

Real Engine

With the decals and Wikipedia, here's the list of X 73500 that ran in the region:

X 73500
EnginMise en serviceRadiationDépôtBaptême (date)Activité
X 73749/Calais/Mutée CIC 12/11
X 73762/Calais/Mutée Région Midi-Pyrénées
X 73763/Calais/Mutée CIC 12/11
X 73764/Calais/Mutée CIC 12/11
X 73765/Calais/Mutée CIC 12/11
X 73766/Calais/Mutée CIC 12/11
X 73767/Calais/Mutée CIC 12/11
X 73768/Calais/Mutée CIC 12/11
X 73769/Calais/Mutée CIC 12/11
X 73770/Calais/Mutée CIC 12/11


And some examples of the real engines:




I'm waiting for the model, the decals, and the magazine ...