As expected, the next step is to finish gluing all the remaining tracks down. Nothing special here ...
As expected, the next step is to finish gluing all the remaining tracks down. Nothing special here ...
A quick guide on the colors chosen for the wires:
Well, it seems that the first phase of this wiring is now complete. What's next?
Today, I completed the wiring between the screw terminals and the terminal to the rack for all the sections:
What I have left is the similar wiring for the remaining switch motors. Almost there ...
Yesterday, I didn't wire the switch motor C4; this is done now:
As mentioned previously, I have yet to draw the wires between the rack connectors and the screw terminals. This is true for the wiring I've done over the last couple of weeks.
During the pandemic, Lineas launched a white locomotive dedicated to Covid-19 heroes. It's the Traxx 186-258 - article here:
Lineas even provided a Google album for those photos.
This engine has been seen mostly in front of freight trains, but it has actually been in front of the VSOE:
I'm lucky that Rails Models Creation agreed to make that engine from the Roco model 73215:
Here's how it looks:
Unlike what I mentioned on my previous post, I've decided to wire as much as I could in the sections I'm accessing. I have yet to wire between the screw terminals back to the rack connectors:
Following one of the previous wiring post, I'm working on sections G1, G2, and G3, which include switch motors TA3, TA4a, TA4b, TD3, and TD4: