
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Track cleaning

I'm facing some challenges with running engines on (dirty) tracks. Back a couple of months ago, I cleaned them thoroughly; the proof is here. I thought, at the time, that I would not need another thorough cleaning for another 6 months. Unfortunately, a few weeks after running the HLE 1312, I wanted to run some other engines and nothing moved. I tried doing another cleaning with the Woodland Scenics Rail Tracker Cleaning Kit:

The manual explains that the different pads can be used for two main purposes: major and minor cleaning. I tried both, but the results were very disappointing.

Today, I'm back on the layout and thought I'd go directly with the Roco Track cleaning rubber (ref 10002). 

This time, it's clearly working and the only downside is the need to vaccum afterwards as it leaves residue on the tracks. You can see below where one side has been cleaned and the other one has not.