I came across a cheap-er set of passenger cars from ACME for RegioJet in Czech Republic. So, let's take a closer look!
Prototypical train formation
There is a decent number of pictures on Flickr, and videos on YouTube. Here are some pictures and videos of what I'm most interested in.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/deltacze/23974375844/ |
https://www.flickr.com/photos/robokubo/7076047711/ |
https://www.flickr.com/photos/31357997@N05/9354182002/ |
https://www.flickr.com/photos/vaclavrouca/21436598593/ |
And a couple of videos:
Miniature models
As excepted, we can find great train formations on www.vagonweb.cz; here's one formation among many!
Here's everything I could find on models for RegioJet.
ACME 60310/69310 & 60317/69317 |
Piko 21657 |
Piko 59591 |
LS Models 18000 |
For ACME 55174, we have the following cars:
- 1 voiture 61 81 21-91 069-8 Bmz à compartiments
- 1 voiture 61 81 18-95-024-4 Ampz à aménagement "business" avec compartiments et carré
- 1 voiture 61 81 30-90 021-9 ABmz avec compartiments et avec zones dédiées au stockage des consommables pour la restauration
For LS Models 18000, there are:
- Road Number 91 80 6193 205-2
- Road Number 85 20-73 004-4 - Bpm ex SBB 2a classe
- Road Number 85 20-73 007-7 - Bpm ex SBB 2a classe
I'll follow more closely ...