
Saturday, January 25, 2020

RFID & Airtable

As mentioned in the previous post, one use case is to load a picture of the real engine from my online database when the model goes over the RFID reader. Here's the big plan:

In this post, I am focusing on the link between the RFID reader and the Airtable link to display a picture. I'm therefore not looking at the ampoule tag and I'm not yet using the Raspberry Pi, but rather my desktop.

Reading from the Arduino

It's actually very easy to read the RFID tag from PyCharm on my desktop. Here's the code:

import serial

prefix = 'Card UID: '

ser = serial.Serial('COM3', baudrate=9600, timeout=0.1)

while 1:
    data = ser.readline().decode('ascii')
    if data.startswith(prefix):
        tag_id = data.replace(prefix, '').strip()

And the output is:

C:\Tools\python37env\Scripts\python.exe C:/Users/Olivier/dev/workspace/airtable/test/test_arduino.py
83 78 FF 20

Process finished with exit code -1


Airtable is basically a smart spreadsheet in the cloud. For this test, I just want a simple table with a name, a picture, and a RFID tag. It looks like this:

Airtable APIs are easy to use.

import os
from pprint import pprint
from airtable import Airtable

base_key = 'appC0WNPsCWPblK9H'
table_name = 'Test'
airtable = Airtable(base_key, table_name, api_key=os.environ['AT_API_KEY'])

pages = airtable.search('RFID', '83 78 FF 20')

for page in pages:

And the output is:

C:\Tools\python37env\Scripts\python.exe C:/Users/Olivier/dev/workspace/airtable/test/test_connection.py
{'createdTime': '2020-01-31T01:37:03.000Z',
 'fields': {'Image': [{'filename': '25612dd9',
                       'id': 'attWjRFWBQNc8hR1M',
                       'size': 189794,
                       'thumbnails': {'full': {'height': 3000,
                                               'url': 'https://dl.airtable.com/.attachmentThumbnails/1725a5c5e29346176b5952ad854700fb/edc60ca7',
                                               'width': 3000},
                                      'large': {'height': 512,
                                                'url': 'https://dl.airtable.com/.attachmentThumbnails/22420833e058b905df01446d39546abe/6146ffea',
                                                'width': 785},
                                      'small': {'height': 36,
                                                'url': 'https://dl.airtable.com/.attachmentThumbnails/b153b0d6c4f532ca2c53f3c6f9405dc0/38dd801d',
                                                'width': 55}},
                       'type': 'image/jpeg',
                       'url': 'https://dl.airtable.com/.attachments/dd7cb8ee2ad8bf31e0926d7b4f882457/20e7d88d/25612dd9'}],
            'Nom': 'AM 08182',
            'RFID': '83 78 FF 20'},
 'id': 'recgQuOmkF3jJP8o0'}

Process finished with exit code 0

Putting everything together

I can now link both codes into this one:

import os
import requests
import serial
from airtable import Airtable
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint

airtable_base_key = 'appC0WNPsCWPblK9H'
airtable_table_name = 'Test'
arduino_tag_prefix = 'Card UID: '
path_local_cache = 'images/'
use_local_cache = False

def get_local_filename_from_tagid(tag):
    return path_local_cache + tag.replace(' ', '_') + '.jpg'

def get_from_airtable(tag_id, file_name):
    pprint('Calling AirTable for {}'.format(tag_id))
    airtable = Airtable(airtable_base_key, airtable_table_name, api_key=os.environ['AT_API_KEY'])
    results = airtable.search('RFID', tag_id)

    if len(results) == 0:
        pprint('No results found for RFID Tag {}'.format(tag_id))
        if len(results) > 1:
            pprint('More than 1 result found for RFID Tag {}'.format(tag_id))
        url = results[0]['fields']['Image'][0]['url']
        f = open(file_name, 'wb')

def display(tag):
    # get local filename and check local cache if required
    filename = get_local_filename_from_tagid(tag)

    if use_local_cache:
        pprint('Looking in local cache for {}'.format(tag_id))
        local_file = Path(filename)
        if not local_file.is_file():
            get_from_airtable(tag, filename)
        get_from_airtable(tag, filename)

    os.system('start {}'.format(filename))

ser = serial.Serial('COM3', baudrate=9600, timeout=0.1)
while 1:
    data = ser.readline().decode('ascii')
    if data.startswith(arduino_tag_prefix):
        tag_id = data.replace(arduino_tag_prefix, '').strip()

And it is working as expected:

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Closed for winter

It's too cold in the workshop to do anything ... will focus on the wiring diagram, digital stuff, and maybe TrainController ...

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Step 1 into RFID

There are a couple of RFID systems available for railroad modeling:

They both have pros and cons, but mostly they are a closed system and I probably won't be able to adjust those to exactly what I want.

Use cases

Here's a list of possible use cases for RFID on my layout:
  1. Identify an engine or a freight car for the correct entry in my database and the correct box
  2. Identify an engine as it goes on the layout
  3. Display an image of the real engine or real configuration from my online database
  4. Compute the speed at scale between two readers
Therefore, there are a couple of steps to analyze:
  • Arduino
  • Arduino + RFID
  • RFID Tags
  • Raspberry Pi + Arduino


    I bought an Arduino starter kit a while back from Amazon: ELEGOO UNO Project Super Starter Kit 

    The documentation can be found here: Elegoo Super Starter Kit for UNO V1.0.2019.09.17.pdf

    Arduino + RFID

    I bought an RFID module for Arduino at MicroCenter: 

    The documentation can be found here: vma405_a4v03.pdf

    I just followed the diagram on page 4 and it works immediately. First, you launch the Arduino IDE:

    and open the serial monitor by clicking on the top-right on the IDE:

    As you bring an RFID tag near the antenna, the serial monitor will display the tag id:

    Now, in live mode:

    So, it seems pretty easy to have an RFID antenna reading RFID tags. But it would be great to have the antenna separate from the electronic module. This seems possible with the following module from Velleman: VMA211: SHIELD NFC / RFID POUR ARDUINO.


    The documentation can be found here: vma211_a4v01.pdf

    For reference, there is a blog here, but the documentation from Velleman was actually enough. Next steps, the tags!

    RFID Tags

    There is an article about the smallest tags available on the market: https://www.rfidjournal.com/blogs/experts/entry?11264, but I thought I would follow the products from Model Railroad Control Systems and look for ampoule tags.

    I found RFID Inc.: https://www.rfidinc.com/hf-13-56-mhz-rfid-glass-ampoule-tags. I have ordered two sets of tags for testing:
    • Model HF-1575-312 Glass Ampoule RFID Tag, 12x3mm, ISO 15693 SLI memory chip SKU: HF-1575-312-04
    • Model HF-1575-313 Glass Ampoule RFID Tag, 13x3mm, available with ISO 15693 or 14443 NFC memory chip SKU: HF-1575-313

    Raspberry Pi + Arduino

    Ultimately, we need a Raspberry Pi to call Airtable APIs. Therefore, we need to connect the Raspberry Pi to the Arduino. I found this article: https://maker.pro/raspberry-pi/tutorial/how-to-connect-and-interface-raspberry-pi-with-arduino