
Saturday, August 24, 2019

All tracks positioned and labeled

All the tracks have been positioned according to the latest plan:

Then, I traced the outline of the tracks. And I labeled everything on the plan and on the tracks:

The next step is to install the foam trackbed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Extended yard

It seems that there is a little bit of space to add a couple of yard lines, which means having the ability to store and run additional trains. The updated layout is as follow:

The total track length is 48 m. List of required track materials:

  • 66x SL-8300, H0 Peco Streamline Code 83, Flex 91.45cm. (wood)
  • 6x SL-U8363, H0 Peco Streamline Code 83, Double slip switch Unifrog 30.6cm
  • 6x SL-E8351, H0 Peco Streamline Code 83, Right turnout #5, 21cm
  • 2x SL-E8352, H0 Peco Streamline Code 83, Left turnout #5, 21cm
  • 2x SL-E8348, H0 Peco Streamline Code 83, Wye turnout #4, 18.3cm
  • 1x SL-E8376, H0 Peco Streamline Code 83, Right curved turnout #7, 28.3cm

More track work

I used the layout designed on AnyRail to determine the exact position of the switches. All other tracks were adding from those "key" switches. In the end, all the positions were reported to ensure a coherent layout:

For example, I adjusted the position of the curved switch E1. I also decided to curve the track originally designed as straight for the freight station:

Significant progress on everything else:

I had some troubles with the yard tracks and ultimately decided to solder the rail joiners and only keep the flexibility with the isolated joiners at the switches.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Track work

It's been a while since the last post, mostly due to having the workshop renovated and set up again. Most recent work is on laying tracks and switches to finalize the exact layout and positioning.

A couple of findings:
  • It's easy to put joiners to Peco switches as you just have to slide the joiner directly into the track. There is no need to remove a sleeper or the attach to the sleeper.

  • It's a bit challenging to make curved tracks from flextracks and keep the joiners very tight together. I succeeded on most of them, but one is not great.